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Chevrolet Strikes Perfect Balance After Prince's Death

Tragedy is a tough gig for brands, so most, admittedly, went way too commercial. But this one got me.

Who Says You Can’t Be a Digital Storyteller?

With enough cycles of study, practice, feedback, and revision, you’ll become good at digital storytelling. Maybe even quite good. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Employee Advocates: Your Entire Organization Is Your Social-Media Staff

Utilizing 135 employee advocates, each of which has a fairly average reach (338 Facebook friends), will yield more impressions than a branded Facebook page with a MILLION fans. Whoa. It's time to think differently about employees. 

Use Pinterest’s Newest Features to Grow Your Brand

Pinterest rolls out new features in dribs and drabs, without fanfare or drama. But each new feature is pretty cool. Here’s an overview of Guided Search, custom categories, messaging, group boards, secret boards, Promoted Pins, and analytics.

Collaborated Content: Cookie Monster and John Oliver

Mashable, known for creating gobs and gobs of content about digital trends, teamed up with Sesame Street to produce a vocabulary-based newscast. Will this be your inspiration to collaborate on content for your digital channels?

Six Reasons the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Went Viral

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is worth studying: Why did it go viral? How did it raise over $100 million for an organization that often struggles to raise significant funds? Take a look at six key components.