You're hungry to improve your digital-content skills, but you find all the options online too overwhelming. Or too consuming. Or too filled with ads for webinars and consulting. Tere hears this all the time, so she's developing 10-Minute Manuals just for you. Each ebook in the series will contain six 10-minute sections filled with easy-to-understand explanations, examples of successful practices from organizations a lot like yours, and try-it-today tactics for better content. No self-promotion. No hype. No ads. Just simple, streamlined lessons in 10-minute segments, delivered to your tablet, smartphone, or computer and updated regularly. For just $2.99.
Spend ten minutes a day for six days. Or go for broke and read your entire manual in an hour. Either way, get your tights and cape ready, because you're about to be a digital superhero.
Are your social-media efforts all over the place, without goals and measures in place, and often not synching with your website, email campaigns, presentations, and print materials? Ready to get all the cooks in your digital kitchen working from the same recipe? In just ten minutes a day, this handy ebook prepares you to facilitate digital-strategy sessions with the key players on your team; immerse yourself in the personality and desires of your audience; and develop internal processes for creating content, engaging your audiences, budgeting, and measuring success.
Need help managing your branded social media? Whether you're just getting started, are looking to expand into new channels, or are interested in the latest trends, this easy-to-read guide gives you the down and dirty on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, YouTube, LinkedIn, Medium, Tumblr, Reddit, Snapchat, Google+, and more—including demographics for and insight into each channel, so that you can determine which ones are worth your time and energy, given your business goals, audience needs, staffing, and budget.
In spite of all the wonderous ways you can engage with customers or clients through social media and email, a website remains the hub of your brand. But the technology is changing so rapidly that it feels as though a site is outdated shortly after its launch. How can you ensure that your site reflects your brand, feels up-to-date, and looks great on every device? In just ten minutes a day, this handy guide helps you understand the long scroll, hero images, masonry grids, animation, and more. You'll find out how to put the customer first to ensure an outstanding user experience, how to update your website, and how to lead with images, not with words. You'll see an array of before-and-after examples.